In the run up to the summer holidays, I dreamt of lazy mornings, cuppa's in the garden, picnics, sounds of laughter from outside, paddling pools, summer evenings drinking a glass of bubbly while the kids played in the get the picture.
To be honest, it started off that way and I was a bit concerned as to why it was going so well. The house was calm, Reuben was perfectly happy pottering around and playing in his room or outside, I was getting sh*t done and we were enjoying trips out doing fun things. all happy and smiles.
Week 4 was upon us and slowly but surely things started to collapse.
Reuben is getting a very short tolerance of things, he is getting up earlier and earlier each morning, leaving the house is an military mission in its self and we are all getting rather tired. Plus, the glorious sunshine has left us and in return we have rain, grey clouds and a chilly wind.
Lets start with the early mornings...
Reuben started off the first 3 weeks of the holidays sleeping in until at least 8.45 and then he would enjoy his cuppa before popping off upstairs to play for an hour. This left me to be able to get jobs around the house done and do a bit of crochet ready for my upcoming craft fair (more about my crochet in another blog to come)
This week however, Reuben is getting up at around 7.20am (yes, I know this seems like a lie in to most people) but when you have been used to getting up out of your pit at nearly 9am, the early start of 7.20am is a killer. Made worse by the weather being chilly and grey so I can't even enjoy my cup of tea out on the patio in the sun!
Reuben seems to have grown bored of all that is in his room and will now stay right by my side until bedtime just talking and talking.
Getting out the house...
Well, this is a challenge in itself. The first 3 weeks, Reuben would be dressed ready for whatever activity we were due to take part in. Clothes would be laid out for him and he would be dressed with a smile on his face.
Now, getting out the house means me rugby tackling him to the ground to clothe him and as for shoes and socks...well that's another matter.
Reuben has now decided he hates everything we are doing (even if he has been before and loved it) he hates leaving the house, hates going in the car and hates seeing other people (his words, not mine)
Most journey's out with Reuben are him sitting in the car, half dressed. Usually in just his pants!
The reason for this is, I ask nicely for him to get ready, for him to refuse, so I ask another couple of times to which he refuses another couple of times. The end result is me picking him up, half dressed and plonking him in the car with his clothes under my arm for when we get there.
The whole experience is utterly exhausting but giving up and staying in the house is a no-no as this is probably more excruciating than actually going out.
By the time we have got to our destination, Reuben is all calm, ready to get dressed and ready for whatever activity we are doing. It also re-sets his internal button so that when we get back home, I may have approximately 7 minutes of him entertaining himself before I have my shadow back and the never ending chatter starts.
I know what you are all thinking...The blog post I wrote about my 10 top tips for the summer holidays and one of them being...
Hope you are all having a great summer holiday so far and remember....only 3 weeks to go!!!!!

This is Reuben smiling and having fun, living his best life whilst horse riding. We won't mention the half dressed Reuben in the car beforehand that kicked off at home saying he didn't like horse riding!!