Monday, 13 May 2013

Sleep...or lack of it!

Well, another evening of Reuben deciding that bedtime is going to be a time for him to turn hyper-active!!

Reuben has always had a very structured bedtime routine...

6.45 - Bath time
7.00 - Snuggle in Mommy and Daddy's bed to watch his programmes, usually Ben and Holly or Peppa Pig.
7.30 - Toilet, into bed for a story and then sleep

Since Reuben has been a baby, this kind of routine has been in place. After a cuddle and saying "night, night" he will snuggle down and go to sleep.

However, for about 2 weeks now, Reuben is quite happy to tear around the upstairs of the house, shouting and fetching various toys to put into our bed. When it comes to story time, he spends it wriggling around for the entire time like he has ants in his pants and not having any interest in the story at all.

When lights go out, Reuben decides that that is his cue to start playing and making as much noise as he possibly can.

We have done all the usual tricks, for example, black out blind, increased his bedtime by half and hour, brought him a night light and keep putting him back into bed every time he gets up. None of which are making a blind bit of difference. 

Removing the toys from Reuben's bedroom is not really an option as his bedroom is the length of 2 garages and it is full of toys!

Reuben doesn't have any sugary snacks or drinks before bed and we try to keep the house nice and calm beforehand.

One professional involved in Reuben's care has said,  that it wouldn't hurt to let him get on with it as he isn't disrupting the rest of the house and he will soon wear himself out and go to sleep. Besides which, he has a safety gate at his bedroom door which means he cannot run riot around the house.

I have to disagree with this method as he is starting to disrupt the house. My 9 year old daughter cannot get to sleep when it is her bedtime at 8.30pm due to Reuben usually playing on his electric guitar,  singing or "fixing" things.

Also, my husband and I are unable to have a relaxing evening as it is spent going in and out of Reuben's bedroom to turn his big light off and put him back into bed!!

Lastly, Reuben's night time adventures are now affecting his school day. He has become very disruptive and silly every afternoon.
The teachers are finding it hard to control him, get him to do his work or listen, as every time he gets corrected he find it extremely hilarious!

What to do?????

I have spent this morning on my laptop, looking up various parenting sites to find advice on such a matter.

I have 2 daughters as well as Reuben and I am a qualified nursery nurse so the sleeping techniques I know are for younger children. So, the whole going into the bedroom and putting him back into bed without talking just simply doesn't work. I think he is basically too old.

Whilst on my laptop, I came across some information regarding ADHD. Reading down this list of symptoms, I was quite surprised at how many Reuben does/have. Which leads me to think this is a definite avenue for investigation.

We have an appointment with Reuben's paediatric doctor next week so I am going to mention it to her, maybe get some observations organised.

So for now, our evenings will be spent sitting on the landing, getting up every minute or so to put Reuben back to bed!!!

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