Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Love You!

Reuben has never been great at understanding his feelings.

When he was alot younger he would find it very difficult to express his emotions so would in turn, lash out at people or generally have a meltdown.

Then, after a while he understood being sad (might be that when he was naughty he ended up in the sad mat, alot)

We had various pictures of feelings for Reuben so that he could point and tell us what he was feeling or we would ask him if he was feeling cross, sad, happy etc.

It wasn't long before Reuben could understand the feeling of cross and he would tell us if he was cross and then we could do our best to calm him down or just to leave him alone til he calmed down himself.

Although Reuben has had these issues with his feelings, we have always made a point of telling Reuben that we love him, everyday more than once.  Whether that be after saying goodnight, goodbye or just when having a cuddle with him. But, Reuben has never said it back to us.

When asked if he loves Mommy or Daddy he will reply with "Yes" and that is all.

That was until last night...

Reuben had just finished watching his programmes and I was taking him to bed. I tucked him in and took his glasses off then said (as I always do) "Love you Reuben" and to my complete amazement he said "Love you" back!!!!!!!!

My heart must have melted there and then in an instant. I squeezed him so hard and kissed his cheek then went running into his Dad to tell him and that he too should go and tell Reuben that he loves him to see if he says it again.

And he did!!!!!

It may seem such a little thing to anyone else but this to us is such a massive gigantic step and I am so happy to have heard him say it back.

Taking Reuben to school this morning, giving him his bags and a kiss goodbye then saying "Love you". I was expecting him to say it again, but no. I just got the usual "yes". But, I don't care as he said it once and that means so much to me.

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